Professor at Feevale University participated in Spanish congress | Universidade Feevale

Professor at Feevale University participated in Spanish congress

17/12/2021 - Atualizado 09h56min


Alisson Coelho presented work on Brazilian journalism

Last week, the 1st International Congress of Investigación y Transferencia en Comunicación (Intracom) took place. The event reunited researchers from different countries and was promoted by five Spanish universities. The professor of Communication courses at Feevale University, Alisson Coelho, presented the work Brazilian Journalism in Debate: between criticism and attack.

According to the organization, the congress sought to connect research to social change, to the needs of a complex and dynamic society, and to turn communication into a tool for managing people, companies, and institutions. Among the objectives of the meeting were the feasibility of funding for research and the creation of a network to foster collaboration among researchers.

The event was carried out in a hybrid format. The in-person conferences were concentrated at Universidad de La Laguna, on the island of Tenerife. The congress was organized by Universidad de La Laguna, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de Alicante, and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.


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