Feevale students have international experience in educational exchanges | Universidade Feevale

Feevale students have international experience in educational exchanges

25/03/2024 - Atualizado 13h18min

This semester, 27 students participate in virtual and in-person educational exchanges


Students from Feevale University join eight international exchanges this semester. In total, 27 students are involved in the International Business School Americas exchanges, Undergraduate Exchange 2024/01, Paid Internship in Veterinary Medicine, Externship in Veterinary Medicine and Observership in Medicine, which take place in person, and Virtual Project Str@tvision Plus 2024, Spanish for Foreigners and Virtual Internship, which take place virtually. The destination countries for educational exchanges are Portugal, South Korea, Denmark, Finland, Spain, United States, Italy, Belgium and Chile.

The Biomedicine student Maria Vitória Sander participates in the Undergraduate Exchange program 2024/01 at Häme University of Applied Sciences (Hamk), in Finland. Maria explains that she chose to do the exchange in Finland because she always dreamed of studying in Europe, as well as getting to know that country's culture. “Finland is an incredible country with a culture very different from ours in Brazil. I have always loved learning new languages, new ways of living and I knew that this would be a unique and great opportunity and experience for me”, she says.

The Design student Luísa Boff, also studying at Hamk, highlights that the classes are very interesting. “My biggest fear was not understand the content because I had no experience studying in another country, but everything is going well. The subjects of the classes are very different”, she explains.

Opportunities with registrations open

Feevale welcomes applications for the Emerging Leaders In The Americas Program (Elap) Scholarship, which offers exchanges at the Université Du Québec À Trois-Rivières and Concordia University of Edmonton in Canada. To participate, you must be regularly enrolled in one of Feevale's undergraduate courses, have completed at least 20% of the course's total workload at the time of registration, and have a B2 level of English. Those who are interested in participating in the exchange at Université Du Québec À Trois-Rivières must register by February 12th. The ones who are interested in participating in the exchange at Concordia University of Edmonton must register by February 26th. The announcements can be accessed via the website https://www.feevale.br/todas-as-oportunidades/intercambio/bolsas-de-estudos-no-exterior and registrations can be made by email at intercambio@feevale.br.

The Biological Sciences student Bethânia Volmer received the Elap Scholarship in the second semester of 2023 and studied at Concordia University of Edmonton. According to the student, the classes were focused on practical laboratories. “The laboratory classes were challenging and enriching. Several people helped me and included me in classes and interactions around the university”, he highlights.


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