Feevale participated in a webinar at the Toulouse Lautrec Institute on post-pandemic consumer trends | Universidade Feevale

Feevale participated in a webinar at the Toulouse Lautrec Institute on post-pandemic consumer trends

30/11/2021 - Atualizado 08h22min

Luis Henrique Rauber participated in the event this Friday, 26


The director of the Human and Social Sciences Institute at Feevale University, Luis Henrique Rauber, participated in the webinar Marketing de consumo: la otra cara de la pandemia this Friday, 26. The event, which started at 7:30 pm (Brasilia time), was hold together with the Toulouse Lautrec Institute, from Peru, an international partner institution of Feevale. The webinar addressed post-pandemic consumer trends, thinking about the world we are living in. The activity was free and open to the community.


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