Management of water resources in Brazil and Finland is a short course theme | Universidade Feevale

Management of water resources in Brazil and Finland is a short course theme

23/03/2018 - Atualizado 28/03/2018 11h01min

The cooperation between Feevale University and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) from Finland has as one of its results the exchange of scientific knowledge between the two institutions. Professor Harri Mattila from the Nordic University will teach the short course Water Services Development Planning from March 26 to 28, at  200B auditorium, in the Lilac building, Campus II. Aimed at Feevale's graduate students, the course is organized by the Pro-Rector Office of Research, Graduate Studies and Extension (Proppex), through the graduate program in Environmental Quality and the master's degree in Virology.

The focus of the course is the planning of services related to water resources. The objective is to promote a discussion about the management mechanisms for catchment and distribution of water, based on the comparison between the Finnish and Brazilian realities. Professor Mattila holds a doctorate in Environmental Engineering and Legislation, with thesis about the management of a sanitation system. He has worked in the public and private sectors, including working outside Finland. As a member of the planning team of Municipal Water Services Development Planning, he participated in the process of the first water resource management development plan in the municipality of Lempäälä, Finland, at the beginning of this century, among other activities. 


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